The Founding Fathers' Vision
The United States is unique. It was a pioneering bunch that had just kicked out centralize control. A bunch of rag tags that wanted to live in self sufficiency but realized the sacrifice that needed for that goal. They knew it was not easy. They knew that they should volunteer but they knew that they should also go home after a while and let someone else take a turn. They also knew that they may have to volunteer again. They knew they needed to live under the rules they created, the rules for all, not special ones for them.
George Washington, the first president, set the precedence of the citizen governance. Many wanted to make him a king. He said, no, Mr. President is royal enough and not royal at all. He left voluntarily after two terms. He went back and lived under laws that he signed.
What this site will do
The purpose of this web site is to publish news article links and videos, memes, save videos to not be lost, and additional commentary. I will be posting a submission link to allow you to submit comments and content. I will also have advertisers. The advertisers will no control me. As this site gets going, read it, share it, contribute to it.

If he is president, he will be Hitler! There would be no peaceful transfer of power. He would lock up his opponents! They said this of Donald Trump.
But wait. Donald Trump handed the key of the White House to the Joe Biden, aka, The Corpse. He should have taken Hilary Clinton to the courts but did not. When he signed executive orders, he told Congress t do their job and pass legislation he could sign. He got rid of bad rules and job strangling policy.
In the other hand, The Corpse had not only the DOJ take Trump to court, but also corrupt lawyers in New York and Atlanta to go after him.
The mainstream media looked on like Saul did until he became the Apostle Paul.
Who's Leaving Town if Trump Wins